Curb Cravings for Weight Loss Support FAST with Essential Oils
Losing weight and obtaining better health is a goal most of us have. Did you know studies have shown essential oils can be helpful for reducing cravings? They may also useful for helping with water retention and cellulite. If you want to lose a few pounds, then scenting your home with certain essential oils like rosemary, cinnamon, and lemon might boost your weight loss and weight management efforts!
Especially when you’re stressed out, tired, or spending time with others, reaching for snacks is often automatic. Certain essential oils can help curb your appetite and the desire to eat foods. They can be helpful to keep your weight loss on track so you can look great this spring in your bathing suit and summer clothes.
We’re all aware that there’s a lot that goes into losing weight: eating less, eating better, exercising, good sleep and hydration, and other lifestyle shifts. Essential oils can be a valuable part of your program by soothing your mood, helping you manage appetite, and giving you more energy. Essential oils can also trigger certain behaviors, and it’s possible to train your brain to recognize certain fragrances in connection with positive behaviors you want to improve.
Some of these oils help with simple cravings; others give you a little metabolic boost while also supporting cognition, alertness, and focus; and others can actually help with general fatigue as well as a bit of water retention. Here are my favorite essential oils to use for weight loss and why they work.
Of course you’ll want to be sure to purchase high quality essential oils. This article tells you how to find a great company that won’t break the bank.
FTC Disclosure: There may be affiliate links scattered here and there in this article. The FTC wants me to let you know that if you make a purchase of any kind through a link, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
The citrus essential oils are excellent for managing moods and solving craving issues when you’re in weight loss mode. Image by Rayia Soderburg via Unsplash
Use Citrus Oils for Bad Moods, Irritation, Boredom, and General Cravings
Citrus essential oils are fabulous for helping you manage poor mood and grumpiness due to being hungry or just wanting your favorite kinds of foods. This is because they contain a chemical called “limonene” that uplifts your spirits and just makes you feel happier.
When you’re in a better mood, fighting off the craving for chocolate just isn’t so bad! Although all citrus oils contain limonene in various amounts, they have different chemical makeups, and certain essential oils are the best to use. Studies have shown that supporting your stress response (moods) can actually lower your cortisol levels. Here are my own favorite citrus essential oils and why they work:
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisii) essential oil
Grapefruit essential oil contains a special chemical called nootkatone. It can give you a refreshing energy boost which helps with metabolism, while also making you feel some joy. Try inhaling some of this essential oil for a metabolic boost, raised energy levels, and the ability to say, “NO” to foods you don’t want passing your lips.
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia) essential oil
This bright and uplifting essential oil also contains high levels of limonene. It also contains very high levels of other chemicals called nerol, geraniol, and linalool, among others. Emotional eating is real. When you can manage your emotions, you can help keep cravings caused by the felt need for comfort foods at bay. Try inhaling some bergamot when you feel you just need to eat those mashed potatoes or some apple pie.
Lemon (Citrus limon) essential oil
Lemon essential oil is also extremely high in limonene as well as other chemicals that brighten mood and help with metabolism. Lemon essential oil is also great for cleaning and can be helpful with cellulite as well.
SAFETY NOTE: Many citrus oils and all of the choices I mention here are phototoxic if misused topically. This means they can cause skin reactions if you use too high of a dilution on your skin. Never use essential oils neat (undiluted) on your skin, and be sure to ask a qualified aromatherapist (not a distributor) what the topical maximum amount should be.
Severe burns, redness, rashes, blisters, and sensitivity can occur if too much of these essential oil types are used in sunlight or in tanning beds. If you’re not sure, you’re welcome to ask me; or just inhale the oils.
It’s rewarding to lose that weight! Image by Huha Inc. via Unsplash
Herbal Essential Oils for Water Retention and Dimpling
Certain essential oils are great for helping you shed excess water weight and smoothing the appearance of cellulite. Here are a couple of my favorites, and some other article links for skin products you can make at home.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
Rosemary is an incredible essential oil (and herb) that not only raises your spirits and helps with cognition, memory, and focus…it can be quite helpful for topical use to reduce the appearance of excess water weight, cellulite, and can tighten fattier areas over time. Plus, it smells just SO good!
Juniper (Juniperus spp) essential oil
Juniper berry essential oil is actually fairly well studied as a support for reducing water retention and the appearance of cellulite and fatty dimpling. You can make an herbal tea with the juniper berries, too. But the essential oil is helpful used topically, directly on the skin in a carrier oil. Be sure to dilute properly.
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) essential oil
Cypress shares many of the benefits of juniper essential oil. Like juniper berry, Cypress is a purifying and detoxifying essential oils that can help flush excess water from your system. Use topically as well.
NOTE: Many of these essential oils can be used internally, however, PLEASE DO NOT drink your water with essential oils. This is highly unsafe. You truly need to speak with a certified minimum level 2 aromatherapist with training and certification in ingestion of essential oils before using the oils internally.
The scent of grapefruit can truly help curb those cravings!
Metabolism Boosting Essential Oils
Energy is so very important when you’re trying to drop a few pounds. You can’t do this when you’re feeling lethargic and fatigued. Luckily certain essential oils can help! Your energy levels when losing weight are vital, and here are my two favorites:
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) essential oil
Hands down, peppermint essential oil can help wake you up when you’re tired and give your energy a wonderful boost that even smells great. In fact, peppermint essential oil is what I use when I’m driving long distances. I tell you, it’s better than a cup of coffee!
Peppermint is an essential oil you need to be a bit careful of around young children due to its high menthol content, but it’s fine to diffuse in most situations. Be sure to read through safety information first. I prefer inhalation to topical use, as it’s very stimulating, so if diffusing is an issue where you live, you might consider a personal inhaler.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oil
I realize I mentioned rosemary above in the water retention section, but it deserves a special mention here, for boosting metabolism and giving you energy. Besides how helpful it is for mental focus, rosemary is another essential oil that enhances energy levels. I love using it in conjunction with peppermint.
SAFETY NOTE: People with high blood pressure should be aware of how they feel when diffusing rosemary essential oil. Some herbalists believe it can raise blood pressure, although according to Dr. Tisserand and Rodney Young in their esteemed book, Essential Oil Safety, there’s no proof of this. I personally manage my own high blood pressure naturally, and rosemary essential oil doesn’t affect me.
Cinnamon has been clinically proven to help with blood glucose levels. Image by Catia Climovich via Unsplash
Get your FREE Herbal Remedy Guide to 10 commonly found herbs and their essential oils. This handy 12 page guide is perfect for your home apothecary or kitchen! Click here to get yours now.
Essential Oils for Supporting Healthy Blood Sugar Balance
Certain herbs and essential oils can be quite helpful in supporting healthy blood glucose levels. This is important because if you feel like you’re “crashing,” that’s a sign that your insulin levels are off-kilter, causing hypoglycemia. I’m all too familiar with this situation when I’m dropping a few pounds, and I can personally attest that the essential oils below can create a sense of balance.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylonicum) essential oil
This warming spice essential oil has been studied clinically for help with blood glucose levels. In fact some doctors recommend eating a teaspoon of cinnamon daily to support balanced metabolism and sugar levels. This is a warming, sweet-smelling spice oil, and is especially popular during the fall and winter months. However, for support in losing some pounds, it’s great all year.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) essential oil
Like cinnamon, ginger may have positive effects on balancing blood sugar levels. It’s warming spicy scent is also helpful for digestive upsets.
Both cinnamon and ginger are helpful in conjunction with juniper and rosemary for stimulating circulation to fatty areas. Be sure to stay within the proper dilution range.
Essential Oil Safety
Unlike herbs, which are mostly quite benign and safe, essential oils can cause issues if used inappropriately. They’re far less safe than whole herbs. However, with proper knowledge, you can use essential oils to provide some real headway to your health.
Here are some things to consider, and be sure to ask an expert about if you’re not absolutely positive about usage:
1) Dilution Strength
Essential oils should always be diluted in a carrier oil. Certain essential oils (like bergamot, grapefruit, and lemon, as well as cinnamon mentioned here) have topical maximums that are quite low. This means that the amount you can use on your skin needs to be significantly diluted for safety.
2) Diffusing with Children, Pets, Elders, Those on Medications, and Pregnant Women
These special populations require knowledge about the specific essential oil. Although most essential oils are just fine for diffusion, you should always check into a safety source before using them.
Be sure to check with your medical doctor before using essential oils. And…doing a skin patch test to determine safety for topical use is important. And once again…please don’t add essential oils to your water. Serious health issues have arisen from this practice.
Blending your own essential oil recipes is fun and easy! Image by Pille R. Priske via Unsplash
Make Your Own Essential Oil Blends for Supporting Weight Loss
Here’s the fun part and where the rubber meets the road. We’re going to make some recipes for you to add to your diffuser, personal inhaler, or for massage blends. If you’d like to learn more about using essential oils in various ways, safely, consider joining us in the Confident Herbalist Tribe!
Energizing Diffuser or Personal Inhaler Blend
5 drops grapefruit essential oil
3 drops peppermint essential oil
2 drops rosemary essential oil
**This blend is great for an instant wake up or for when you have a task that requires lots of concentration and focus. It can head off mindless eating.
Blend for Suppressing Appetite and Reducing Cravings
NOTE: This is for a diffuser or personal inhaler.
5 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
5 drops grapefruit essential oil
3 drops lemon essential oil
Cellulite Helping Massage Blend
NOTE: This blend is for a one ounce amount of carrier oil of choice, such as jojoba oil or sweet almond oil. The dilution strength is 2%.
6 drops juniper berry essential oil
6 drops rosemary essential oil
6 drops peppermint essential oil
Tummy Rub Massage Blend
This is my favorite blend for using on my abdomen when I’m losing weight. I massage it right into the fatty areas. This is also a 2% dilution in one ounce of carrier oil.
5 drops cinnamon leaf essential oil
5 drops ginger essential oil
5 drops rosemary essential oil
3 drops cypress or juniper berry essential oil
This is a perfect guide to making sure you choose the right herbs and essential oils for steaming. Steaming gets rid of congestion, helps heal up respiratory infections faster, supports breathing, and makes your skin beautiful on top of everything else! Click here to get your FREE guide now!
Where to Buy Quality Essential Oils at Reasonable Prices
I get asked this question ALL the time. I’m a non-brand specific aromatherapist, however, I believe in the importance of purchasing high quality essential oils. You’re not going to find these in the grocery stores, not even good ones like Whole Foods. Here are my favorite places to purchase essential oils:
Final Thoughts on making those cravings subside with essential oils
As both a trained herbalist and certified professional level aromatherapist, I know deeply how well our plant medicines can help us out as humans. God created the plants just for us! For making choices about what to use to support your wellness, including dropping some weight, essential oils are a great strategy to add to your toolkit.
I hope you enjoyed this quick article! Be sure to join us in our natural living community! It’s free for everyone, and a great place to ask your questions and get help.
Here are some other articles and videos from Healing Harvest Homestead you might enjoy:
Article: Essential Oils for Happiness and Joy
Video: Get Rid of the Winter Blues with Essential Oils
Article: How to Make an Herbal Body Scrub with Juniper and Rosemary
Article: Safe Essential Oils for Energy and Focus
Video: Essential Oil Blend for Hypertension Support: Calm Your Heart
Video: Essential Oil Roll Ons for Sinus Congestion and Allergies (Adult and Children Recipes)
Article: Herbal Steams for Beating Congestion and Healing Faster from Respiratory Problems
And I could keep listing! There are hundreds of articles on my website, and my YouTube channel is growing too. I hope you’ll subscribe to my channel, and also to my newsletter!
Enjoy working with essential oils!
Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,
P.S. Don’t forget to get your copy of my FREE 12 page Herbal Remedy Guide on 10 Common Herbs and Oils. OR, you can pick up my FREE Winter Essential Oil Blends for Wellness and a Beautiful Home….or get both! :-)
Disclaimer: I’m not a medical doctor, so in no manner, stated or implied, is any wording here or elsewhere of mine meant to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease or illness. Please be sure to ask your doctor about using herbs or essential oils. These statements haven’t been evaluated by the FDA.