Cacao: Health Benefits of This Amazing Superfood PLUS Recipes

Containing high levels of anti-oxidants, important minerals, and neurotransmitters to support mental health and healthy mood, cacao is an herbal superfood you should absolutely consider adding to your daily diet! For a GREAT homemade healthy version of hot cocoa that tastes absolutely delicious, check out my recipe!

Cacao is one of nature's best superfoods. I used to think superfoods were just “hype,” but truly, they’re not. There’s a reason they’re called “super” foods! Superfoods are those foods that contain more concentrated amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and additional chemicals that help in other ways, such as being anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and reducing the ravages of normal aging on the body. Some familiar superfoods you've probably heard about are blueberries, acai berries, spinach, salmon, and black beans. And...there’s cacao!

Cacao has been used for centuries by cultures around the world, and it is prized for its many benefits. The cacao plant is native to Central and South America, and cacao beans were first domesticated by the indigenous people of Mesoamerica. The word “cacao” comes from the Aztec word “cacaotl”, and the beans were used as currency by the Aztecs.

The cacao plant is a tropical evergreen tree that can grow up to 15 meters (50 feet) tall. The cacao tree bears fruit in the form of pods, and each pod contains 20-60 seeds, which are also known as cacao beans. The beans are used to make cacao nibs, cacao powder, and cacao butter.

FTC Disclosure: There may be affiliate links scattered here and there throughout this article. If you click through and make any kind of purchase I may earn a very small commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions are my own.

Cacao: Each fruit contains around 20-30 seeds. The seeds are what we use for food and skincare. Image by John Kevin via Getty Images

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What is the Difference Between Cocoa and Cacao?

The main difference between cocoa (pronounced "co-co") and cacao (pronounced "cu-COW") is that cocoa is processed at high temperatures, while cacao is minimally processed or not processed at all. This processing can affect the taste, nutritional value, and antioxidants in the final product, primarily the powder.

Cocoa is made by fermenting, drying, and roasting cacao beans at high temperatures. The cacao beans are then crushed and ground into a fine powder. Cocoa powder is used to make chocolate, and it is also added to many processed foods as a flavoring agent. Dutch cocoa is a type of cocoa that has been treated with an alkali solution, which gives it a darker color and milder flavor.

Dutch cocoa is a good source of antioxidants, fiber, iron, and magnesium. It may also help improve heart health, cognitive function, and blood sugar control. However, Dutch cocoa is also high in calories and fat, so it should be consumed in moderation.

Regardless of whether you choose Dutch cocoa or regular cocoa, the high heat or chemical processing actually removes between 60% and 90% of the beneficial antioxidants, drastically lowering the normally high ORAC score of raw cacao.

Another type of cocoa to watch out for is non-organic cocoa (and also chocolate), as it may contain pesticides, other dangerous chemicals, or genetically modified ingredients.

The last type of cocoa you should strictly avoid is non-Fair Trade cocoa. Please be sure you're purchasing cocoa or cacao from companies who support fair trade practices because Oxfam has estimated that around 70% of global cocoa is grown by indigenous communities, and may even include child slave labor.

Therefore, look for raw, organic, fairly traded cacao, and consider leaving the cocoa behind.

Health Benefits of Cacao

Cacao is a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are compounds that have been shown to provide numerous health benefits. Both cacao and cocoa have been linked to improved cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke, and improved cognitive function. cocoa also contains magnesium, iron, copper, and zinc.

Cacao has been used medicinally for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. The Maya people of Central America used cacao to treat fevers, and the Aztecs used it as an effective medicine for diarrhea. It's also known to be a powerful mood enhancer and may be used to help supplement treatments for anxiety and depression.

Cacao as a Superfood:

Cacao is often referred to as a superfood due to its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants are compounds that help protect the body against damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and lead to inflammation. The antioxidants in cacao may help reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. In fact one study showed that taking 50 mg of cocoa a day can reduce blood pressure.

Cacao is also a good source of fiber, which is important for digestive health. Fiber helps to keep you regular and can also help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cacao nibs are especially high in fiber, with one ounce (28 grams) providing 7 grams of fiber.

Theobromine is a compound found in cacao that has stimulant effects. It is similar to caffeine but much weaker. Theobromine can help to improve mood and cognitive function. It may also help to prevent cavities by killing the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

You can find raw dark organic chocolate in higher end health stores. Try a piece to boost your endorphins!

You’ll LOVE the Cacao Masterclass! It’s one of our most popular courses inside the Confident Herbalist Tribe, and you can buy this one separately. It’s that valuable. You’ll get to intimately know about cacao, cocoa, chocolate, and enjoy tons of recipes too! Click here to enroll for just pennies.

More Benefits of Raw, Organic Cacao

1) A super high ORAC score!

An ORAC score is a scientific test that measures the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals, which are dangerous compounds that come primarily from toxins in our environment. Free radicals cause major health problems over time, including cell damage and cancer. The ORAC score of cacao is 98,000 per 100 grams! This is 40 times greater than the ORAC score of blueberries!

2) The most iron in any plant

If you're low in iron, consider adding some cacao into your life! Cacao contains 13.9 mg per 100g of cacao. Consider that beef compares at 2.5 mg per 100g. You can see that cacao is a great plant-based source of this important mineral.

3) Calming magnesium

Not only is cacao high in iron, but it's also high in other important minerals. Magnesium is one of these! Did you know that it's estimated that around 90% of people are deficient in magnesium? And that magnesium is necessary for over 300 vital bodily processes, including a healthy heart and brain? If you're experiencing some brain fog, consider having a bit of raw, organic dark chocolate! You can find out more about magnesium here, and find out how to make your own magnesium oil, if you like.

4) Calcium and bone health

We all know how important calcium is to our bodies, and the fact that raw cacao contains more calcium than cow's milk, is just another reason to add it to your daily diet. Other medicinal herbs high in calcium include nettle, wild violet leaf, and chickweed....and now we can add raw cacao to the list!

5) Lifts your mood!

As a sufferer of anxiety and depression for decades, and having learned to support my mental wellness with 100% natural means, I can tell you from personal experience that dark raw chocolate can really help out! You see, cacao contains certain important neurotransmitters that contribute to good mood and mental health balance. These are serotonin, tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylethylamine and help greatly with feelings of well-being.

Cacao powder, cacao beans, and cacao nibs….I don’t let our herbal cupboard run low on nibs!

Cacao Bean Products

The Nibs:

Cacao nibs are the roasted and crushed cacao beans. They have a strong, bitter flavor and are often used in baking or added to smoothies for a nutritional boost. I love using cacao nibs in many of my homemade herbal tea blends, like my very popular Rosy Chocolate Chai recipe. They're also great added to foods such as yogurt, oatmeal, granola, and many other options.

Cacao Powder:

Cacao powder is made by grinding cacao nibs into a fine powder. It has a rich chocolate flavor and can be used in baking, smoothies, or as a healthy alternative to sugary hot chocolate drinks. You can also use cacao powder to roll your herbal candies into. An example of this would be an electuary recipe.

You're probably familiar with cocoa powder. Cocoa has been highly processed, and therefore contains fewer nutritional benefits...but it's still good for you. I love using cocoa powder to make a dry hair shampoo for dark hair, too! It works, and best of all, you'll smell slightly of chocolate. Delicious!

Cacao Butter:

Finally, cacao butter is the fat extracted from cacao beans. It has a mild chocolate flavor and is often used in making homemade chocolate or as a vegan substitute for butter in baking recipes. Cacao butter is also useful in natural skincare products.

Cacao butter…..This is a hard butter that melts at normal skin-temperature. It’s been beloved for centuries as a beauty treatment.

Ways to Enjoy Cacao

Cooking, Baking, Smoothies:

Cacao powder and cacao nibs are often used in baking recipes for their rich chocolate flavor. Cacao powder can be used as a healthy alternative to sugary cocoa powder, and cacao nibs can be used as a crunchy topping for desserts.

If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to sugary chocolate chips, cacao nibs are a great option. They can be added to cookie or cake recipes, or sprinkled on top of ice cream or yogurt. Cacao nibs are also a great way to add a nutritional boost to smoothies.

Cacao powder can be used in place of cocoa powder in most recipes. It has a rich chocolate flavor and can be used in cakes, cookies, brownies, or as a healthy alternative to sugary hot chocolate drinks.

Cacao butter can be used as a vegan substitute for butter in baking recipes. It has a mild chocolate flavor and can be used in cakes, cookies, or brownies. Be sure to do a little research to find out exactly how to make the substitution in your own baking. Cacao butter can also be used to make homemade chocolate, which can then be used in your baking too.

Natural Skin and Hair Care

Cacao butter has incredible skin benefits. It's a solid butter at room temperature, and often acts as a gentle occlusive, holding moisture on the skin's surface. As an emollient, which softens skin, it can soothe chapped or damaged skin, helps relieve bruising, and can help treat mild burns.

You might enjoy this recipe for Cocoa-Tangerine Lotion Bars!

For hair care, I enjoy using cocoa powder as a dry shampoo. Not only does it work well and is suitable for dark hair, it smells of chocolate! Delicious!

You might enjoy the following video recipe for a wonderful Belly Balm for stretch marks and scars….or just plain beautiful skin.

Final Thoughts on Superfood Cacao

Most people don’t think of cacao as a medicinal herb, but truly it should be a part of your home apothecary. Being a mood-booster, an aphrodisiac, supportive of overall body health, helps the cardiovascular system and digestive system, cacao is absolutely a superfood! I love when our food is actually our medicine, don’t you?

I’d love to know what you think of cacao? Do you use it daily?

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You can learn more about medicinal herbs, aromatic essential oils, traditional natural living skills, and self-reliance on my website at Healing Harvest Homestead! Also, check out my YouTube channel and Instagram for even more free content.

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Hugs, Health, and Self-Reliance,


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Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. In no manner, stated or implied, am I making any promises of diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of any disease. These statements haven’t been evaluated by the FDA, as herbalism is unregulated in the United States.


Raw Cacao Powder Tops Antioxidants Foods List. Retrieved 11/1/2022 from

What is Magnesium Oil? Retrieved 11/1/2022 from:

Cacao: 5 Little Known Benefits of This Amazonian Superfood Retrieved 11/1/2022 drom: